Friday, January 3, 2020

Reconstruction Of The United States - 1181 Words

By 1877, reconstruction had successfully restored the United States as a unified nation. Each Confederate state had thoroughly drafted state constitutions, pledged their loyalty to the United States government, and accepted the newly Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments. However, reconstruction inevitably failed the South. The legislation of Radical Republicans failed to give protection to freed slaves from further persecution of whites; and it also failed to fundamentally refabricate the social atmosphere of the south. Once President Rutherford B. Hayes implemented the removal of all federal troops from southern states, empathizers of the late slave ideology, being leaders of the Confederacy and slaver owners, were reinstated to power. With support from a fully conservative Supreme Court, politicians of the south were given power to make voter qualifications, pass black codes, and many other anti-progressive legislations to further reserve the rights that blacks had gain ed from the Radical Reconstruction. The United States Supreme Court proved their strength with their anti-progressive movement with decisions in the Slaughterhouse Cases, the Civil Rights Cases, and the United States v. Cruikshank; this case then repealed the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments, as well as the Civil Rights Act of 1875. Then after much rebirth, the sharecropping system gave way to a new legal form of slavery that kept blacks who were tied to land, owned by rich whites. ThisShow MoreRelatedReconstruction Of The United States1259 Words   |  6 PagesSchutz, Jackson CRN 36889 T/R 9:35 20 September 2015 Reconstructing the Unconstructable Gunshots rang throughout American soil in the year 1861. 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