Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Beatles Essay examples - 850 Words

The Beatles There have been more books published about one 20th century icon than any other, this band that is said to have broken down barriers in all ways, is the Beatles. Their music was said to have driven that younger generation mad. Perhaps it was because they were one of the first bands ever play real rock and roll music; or maybe it was those cute little peacoats they wore. Or maybe it was just because they were foreigners in the world of music, yet seemed to fit right in with the young people. Whatever reason was, the Beatles were a band that shaped a generation and ones soon to come. The Beatles were more than just a rock and roll band , they were a group of young men who wanted to go a new direction in music. John Lennon,†¦show more content†¦Luckily for the Beatles, the times were changing and McFall quickly changed the policy the Beatles soon became regulars. This would be the club that would make them famous. News of the bands Liverpool popularity soon became know throughout England and later a large part of Europe. Shortly after their first tour of Hamburg, Stuart, who had always been a better artist than musician left the band to pursue goals in the visual arts field. Paul had dabbled in bass guitar and took his place. This was a transition period for the members in the band, they were going from being Liverpool locals to being English stars. It was about this time that the rest of the band and their manager Brian Epstien, began to notice Petes growing ego, and thought it would be best if he not be in the band. Many fans were suprised and upset at the decision. When they heard Ringo Starr one of the back up drummers, was joining they were calmed perhaps in anticipation of hearing how the new member would fit in with the rest of the band. The result was fabulous. The band was pleased with thier new addition and they quickly adapted to each others playing styles. Ring was the final member to join the band and in October of 1962, just a few months after Ringo joined the band, the Beatles had their first hit single, Love Me Do . 1963 and 1964 proved to be the most important years for the Beatles. During 1963 they created a sensation in Britain. The boysShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Beatles 1353 Words   |  6 PagesKim Walker Boatwright Honors English 10, 1A 24, March 2015 The Beatles There have been many people, known as artists, who have tried to change the world through their art. â€Å"Art† can be paintings, music, dances, sculptures, literature, or photography. There are many ways to communicate and express ones feelings but The Beatles did it through their popular music. 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